Data Science from zero : Chapter-1

Hii, today if you are reading it, then you might be intersted in data science or maybe not!!

Just kidding!!

You are here because you know how data science is emerging nowadays and how it can affect you life and don't worry if you are not getting it. It's fine.

We all start from zero!!

hooooooo!!! that's enough, its time for something real!!

So before we start, I want to introduce you to the exact meaning of Data science and some facts which you should know before getting into it deeper!.

What exactly is "data science" ?

When I say “data science”, I am referring to the collection of tools that turn data into real-world actions. These include machine learning, database technologies, statistics, programming, and domain-specific technologies.

The internet is a chaotic mess. Learning from it can often feel like drinking from the fun end of a fire-hose.

In tech world, we can say that Data science is a field that encompasses gathering, wrangling, visualizing, and analyzing data and communicating the insights it provides.

“Combining your business know-how and intuition with data science can set you and your company up for success.”

Although data science has a reputation for being code-based and complex, its concepts are accessible if you have the desire and drive to learn and put in the work.

There are various data science tools and frameworks that can be beneficial when using data science at work. One is the data-driven decision-making framework, by Grushka-Cockayne.

This framework presents six steps for using data to drive business decisions:

  1. Understand the business problem: What are you looking to understand or accomplish?

  2. Wrangle data: Clean, validate, and organize the data.

  3. Create visualizations: Present the data in a way that shows trends and relationships of interest.

  4. Generate hypotheses: Formulate predictions based on emerging trends.

  5. Conduct analysis: Run statistical tests to determine if your hypotheses are correct.

  6. Communicate results: Present your findings in the context of the original business problem.

It’s also useful to gain familiarity with programs and tools that can help you throughout the process. For instance, Excel and Power BI are both statistical software from Microsoft that allow you to organize, visualize, and analyze data. Other tools, such as Google Analytics and Tableau, can be used for further analysis and creating dashboards to present and monitor changes in your datasets.

No matter your title, learning data science can prove to be a worthwhile investment in your career and company.

So, now you have any idea about data science and how it can affect in business, now I'll share you how I'll process everything to get started in data science.

I have knowledge of both the languages Python & R, but as python is easy to start for the beginners, so I'll begin with Python only for you all and after learning it till the advanced we will go through R.

Also, you may have doubt in between data science, AI or related keywords, so let me help you in that too.

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science are popular terms in this era. And knowing what it is and the difference between them is more crucial than ever. Although these terms might be closely related there are differences between them see the image above to visualize it.

We will learn each one of them for sure, with multiple projects also. And don't worry if you are getting confused, I'm just one reply far away, just reply to this with your any doubt and I'll help you for sure.

That's the end for today.

Also reply me "👍I am super excited after reading this" , it'll help me to know that you read it and it keeps me motivated.

You can reply me on my social handles too or you can ask for any help too related to career.InstagramShivam Maurya | LinkedInShivam maurya (@_shivammaurya__) / Twitter

Highlight of the week:

Things I do to help you every week through my newsletter:

Podcast summarizer: I'll summarize important parts of podcast to help you out your own important points to apply in your life and also if you don't get just ask me by replying to the mail, I'll surely answer it. (Tuesday)

Learnings from Social Media: Every time when I scroll instagram, I always send some posts to my own ID so it'll be saved for me personally (I don't save anything in Saved Post section on Instagram, as we all know we never go to that🙃🙃). I'll share some of the growth mindset facts which we all should know and follow. (Wednesday)

Data Science from Zero: I'll share everything I learn in the week, as I'm starting it again from zero to help myself so it'll surely help you too.(Saturday)

You can, of course, always write to me by simply replying to this newsletter.

I love reading all your emails.Yes! I READ ALL MY EMAILS. ALL OF THEM.​​​

until next week

Always explore | Don't ever let your brain stop working!! | Change mindset!



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