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  • Learnings from Social Media #3: Indian Education system is failing us ?

Learnings from Social Media #3: Indian Education system is failing us ?

Indian Education system is failing us ?

A recent report called the indus valley report spoke about how there are only three ways for individuals from tier two and tier three cities to advance economically the first one are Exams.

Now India is a very special nation when it comes to educational system, the entire crux of our educational system rests on entrance exams.

It is not a myth that getting into a good college through an entrance exam can make your life better, especially if you come from lower economic status.

Now whenever there are opportunities there are opportunists so as long as this entrance exam economy boomed, lots of coaching centers popped up, in fact you'd be surprised for making a mistake on how big the coaching center industry is in India today.

A coaching center sells hope to parents the hope that a child can get into a great college through an entrance exam because probability is not in your favor.

Every year 2.2 million test takers take the IIT-JEE exam for 16,000 seats. It's a pinhole but a huge crowd that's trying to get inside that pinhole.

If you get into a tier one college in india that's great, but if you don't you are actually in a little bit of trouble no matter how attractive your prospectus looks, most indian children think their college looks like this πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

whereas in reality it looks more like this πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

That's simply because most tier 2 colleges in India are just landlords and real estate companies that have found a creative way to charge rent in the form of school or college fees.

But after the pandemic in the world of zoom you're not even paying rent for real estate anymore, what's more there's a huge donation seat racket that not only favors the rich but also makes up a big chunk of a tier two in tier three's college's revenue.

Now let's get back to the 2nd axis of economic advancement and it is english. Now you might think Maurya, english it's so unindian, however english has today become the opportunity of advancement, 18.1 million white collar jobs are almost unanimously english based.

In India people think that you need to serve the people who speak english, but english is just a tool of collaboration, as you and I know english is hard to learn when somebody is speaking it to you and  it is better learned through conversation and practice which college doesn't do you any favors with in fact if you do learn english in college it's because the peers and friends you've made along the way.

The third and the last axis of advancement is exit, unfortunate as it sounds these are the number of people that leave india for a better job or a better college abroad, in 1999 this number was 56,000 people but in 2019 this number is half a million people more than 10 times the number of people that left back in 1999, as much as we hate brain drain it is happening, what disappoints me is that while a lot of aunties and uncles keep saying that India is great they always tend to send their children abroad for a better life whereas people like me still want to stay in India and build for India.

So, that's it for today.

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