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  • Podcast Summarizer #2: Raj Shamani with Dr. Ritesh Malik

Podcast Summarizer #2: Raj Shamani with Dr. Ritesh Malik

Things I learned from the podcast :Raj Shamani with Dr. Ritesh Malik

I have break down everything I learned in 3 topics :

  1. Enterprenurship

  2. Business

  3. Corporate Culture


  1. Startup purpose: Continuously add value to your customers and consumers life irrespective of what's happening within company.

  2. Natural traction phenomenon: Once customer exposed to your product he/she wants to come back, pay for the product and use it and then they will also tell their friends about it.

  3. If you're not passionate about the problem you'll quit.

  4. If you want to make a good amount of money in start be patient, don't chase for valuations.

  5. Entrepreneurs who build businesses on their own problem end up doing better, because they are very close to the problem.


  1. At unit level, you can never-ever lose money.

  2. Starbucks might not be the best coffee in the world but they have built a cult(obsession) around them.

  3. People wants to buy benefits not the features. Selling features is very easy, but selling benefits is very hard(that's the difference b/w Samsung and Apple)

  4. Understand the core-problem of customer.

  5. Logic will always get defied when emotions are involved.

Corporate Culture

  1. Culture is what happens when the owner is not in the room, which is very hard to get.

  2. Your first 20 hires are going to build the culture .

  3. 99% of the people of the world feel themselves to be so ill-confident to think of a large dream that they don't

  4. Hard work that you do here and if you get x, you would have gotten 10x outside India

  5. People don't want to work for more money, people want to work for great culture.


  • 97% to 98% of Indian colleges are not focusing on the skills.

  • Build in India for the world.

  • Whenever there is a fight b/w a leopard and a deer, every time it is not necessary that leopard will kill deer, because leopard is the fastest but it can only run fast for a couple of seconds but deer will consistently run because he has to run for his life

  • Be like lord Ganesh jii, have large ears and a very small mouth, learn from your customers, talk to them and take feedbacks.

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Podcast summarizer: I'll summarize important parts of podcast to help you out your own important points to apply in your life and also if you don't get just ask me by replying to the mail, I'll surely answer it. (Tuesday)

Learnings from Social Media: Every time when I scroll instagram, I always send some posts to my own ID so it'll be saved for me personally (I don't save anything in Saved Post section on Instagram, as we all know we never go to thatπŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ). I'll share some of the growth mindset facts which we all should know and follow. (Wednesday)

Data Science from Zero: I'll share everything I learn in the week, as I'm starting it again from zero to help myself so it'll surely help you too.

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until next week

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