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  • Podcast Summarizer #1: Raj Shamani with Kunal Shah

Podcast Summarizer #1: Raj Shamani with Kunal Shah

Things I learned from the podcast :Raj  Shamani with Kunal Shah

I have categorized everything I learned in 7 topics :

  1. Knowledge

  2. Human Behaviour, motivation and society

  3. Wealth

  4. Time and Money

  5. Social Media

  6. India

  7. Learning Skills


  • All of us are the same people at different levels of our jouney.

  • Indian education system don't like the format to learn and not to focus on exams.

  • Very few people are genuinely interested in knowing how things work. Everybody to seems to have an opinion but not understanding of it.

  • There is no one interested in research, all our life we all have copied each other's project and pass exams.

  • We are generation of shallow people and shallow people always have opinion but not understanding.

  • The curse of fame is exciting.

 Human Behaviour, Motivation and society

  • All of us will not succeed if we don't understand human behaviour.

  • Nobody's is really interested in what your jouney is what you've been, they just want to see your end state. People who truly have substance(intelligence) , don't feel the need to show it off.

  • Some businesses by design do not have the space for more people to exist so why do you want to fight for that when there is unlimited ways to create wealth.

  • All of us are wired to do certain things and get their expertise over a period of time. Some people are natural adult, most people are not according to me(Kunal Shah).

  • Not having a dating culture is the big reason we are all terrible at human motivation because if you have never really convinced to do anything for you, you've never really understood what do they want, its about what I want.

  • Once you understand human motivation you'll realize what will people pay for and that skill set can be learned by trying constantly different things.

  • Human motivation is a non-going river.

  • Human motivation is constantly shifting.

  • Whenever we are trying to change the behaviour we have to always put incentive to change the behaviour.

  • Since we were kids, we have been taught to get validated.

  • We live our life through somebody else's lens and some of this work comes from those its called collectivists societies.

  • Basking and reflected glory: As soon as some success happens we attribute it to ourselves.

  • We love to attribute everybody else's success to us.

  • In many families talking about money is shameful.

  • Everytime you do something, that is new and different and because we do not understand, it turns into fear and hatred.


  • The crux of creating wealth is about solving problems of people that are currently not solved well and people have deep desire to solve problem by paying money for it and that can be only done when you understand what people need.

  • We are consumers of so many things if you become producers of that we'll all create wealth it makes a lot of sense.

  • There are two currencies that we all are wasting and spending that is Time and Money.

  • Can there be one million successful influencers ?Probably not, but can there be 10 millon millionaires ofcourse yes so to be 10 million millionaires we should not chase fame, we should chase skills and knowledge and depth and understanding vs fame.

  • Some families is India who are business families they are naturally interested in money, because they dicuss money on dinner table, they talk about "taka" and percentage is a lot more.

  • Every wealthy person has become wealthy by taking a lot of loans.

  • Credit card is not bad, its like if you hold a knife from the wrong side you'll surely get hurt but knife has made human life better.

 Time and Money

  • If you understand how people spend their time and their money and become producer of that , you can create wealth.

  • Everybody has the same amount of time to spend and therefore people who control time actually become more wealtheir over a period of time as long as it gets the right people's time.

  • All of us are trying to reduce time and money spent on all boring things and invest all that in interested things.

 Social Media

  • People on social media always chase for likes than money.

  • Social media platforms use your need of likes to give you the audience and then sell ads on it.

  • Right now everyone wants to be famous but not rich.


  • You cannot create billionaires if the country's per capita income is not changing.

  • 65% to 68% of the India's income is still dependent on agriculture.

  • Less than 1% people in US are dependent on agriculture for earning, they have automations for agriculture.

  • Less than 6% of urban Indian women have any financial income, in China 96% probably have financial income in urban.

  • Pakistan has more female participation than India.

  • The deep need to be really good something is the only way we'll change as a country.

 Learning skills

  • Take one word that you got interested in, spend 1 hr on YouTube finding everything about it and while you watch that video you'll learn one more word, spend 1 more hr finding about that word then you will discover one more word, and repeat it, over two years time you'll be the smartest in all the people in your classroom or in your family.

  • The biggest things that needs to become cool is that do you really understand something or you are the superficial guy who just show-off.

Things I'll do to help you every week through my newsletter: 

Podcast summarizer: I'll summarize important parts of podcast to help you out your own important points to apply in your life and also if you don't get just ask me by replying to the mail, I'll surely answer it. (Tuesday)

Learnings from Social Media: Every time when I scroll instagram, I always send some posts to my own ID so it'll be saved for me personally (I don't save anything in Saved Post section on Instagram, as we all know we never go to thatπŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ). I'll share some of the growth mindset facts which we all should know and follow. (Wednesday)

Data Science from Zero: I'll share everything I learn in the week, as I'm starting it again from zero to help myself so it'll surely help you too.

You can, of course, always write to me by simply replying to this newsletter.

I love reading all your emails.Yes! I READ ALL MY EMAILS. ALL OF THEM.​​​

until next week

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