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  • Podcast Summarizer #4: Raj Shamani with Sandeep Jethwani, Co-Founder of dezerv.

Podcast Summarizer #4: Raj Shamani with Sandeep Jethwani, Co-Founder of dezerv.

Things I learned from the podcast :Raj Shamani with Sandeep Jethwani, Co-Founder of dezerv.

One percent of people in this country own one third of the wealth of this country.

Concept of wealth ?Having time in your hand and you should not sacrifice that time by doing the things which you hate.

Wealth is that what you don't see, you don't see real wealth, and it makes sense because every time you buy a new car, you have less money in your account so you have less wealth.Wealth is the freedom to do what you want when you want.

As indians we generally couldn't discover ourselves what our true potential is and therefore when people make an association with work, it is an obligation, it is something that you have to do.

As a country we love when somebody solves things for us, like tells you that these are the three things if you do and we are now for the first time going through a little bit of a shift beginning to happen and thanks to social media creators, where these questions are now are exposure to the, how globally people think is much more than what it was say 10 years ago.

There are three phases of india's wealth journey.

First phase:Income managementA large part of our population still doing that which is that here is a certain amount of salary you make, you make your ends meet within that and you practically retire with nothing.There was a survey and people were asked that how will you survive post retirement 60% people said my children will support them, so that was the era and in some cases still is the era of income management and it's like distinctive periods in time, even today there are parts of our country which are dealing with that.

Second phase:The second was this whole wealth management era and it's a very recent era it's like probably the last four five years where people have for the first time realized that you have to save money and find ways of employing/investing that money.

The real potential of India will get unlocked when we enter the wealth creation era, where people start thinking how do they really create wealth and which is free up my time to do what I want to do when I want to do.

We are seeing signs of that, like potential entrepreneurs, there's this conversation you go to a cafe in bangalore on the adjacent table somebody is pitching to the new co-founder, somebody is pitching to an investor its some parts of our country are entering that wealth creation era and that is the solve for where we are today.

The really wealthy really smart people know what they want to do with their time, somebody who sold a business made thousand crores, they really know what they want to do next, some people might do become a yoga monk, some people might travel, some people might start a new business, some people might start a new foundation to help other people, so there are many other things they know what they want to do with their time.

Generally, we all are looking in life for hacks, trust is one of those things where there are no hacks.

Trust is one of those things that you to live on a daily basis and then it compounds.

The problem with compounding is when you're living that moment it doesn't feel like a progress, because it's like 0.01 on a daily basis but over time it becomes something magical and very large.

End ?Not yet!!We'll continue it next week.

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until next week

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