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  • Learnings from Social Media #1: Wishful thinking is easier than doing it.

Learnings from Social Media #1: Wishful thinking is easier than doing it.

Date I sent it to my chat: December 03, 2020

Let's see the 5 points I got it for you!!!

  • We all do it. We are always wishing and hoping for something to happen. Sometimes, we just want a miracle to happen. Sometimes, we wish for things that will never come true. It is important to remember that wishing for something does not make it true. This is one of the biggest mistakes we do as humans.

  • We do this all the time, we wish for things to be true when they are not. We tell ourselves we will do better at school or work, or that we'll finally have the courage to ask out that person we've been crushing on for months. When something doesn't happen the way we wanted, we are disappointed and feel like it was a waste of time. Wishing is a form of self-sabotage.

  • It is easy to wish for things to be different and for the situation to be better than it is. However, wishing for things to be different or better than they are is only going to lead you to disappointment. Instead of wishing for what you want, try focusing on what you can do to make it happen. If you need a change in your life, start by asking yourself what you can do to make it happen.

  • I wish I had enough money to buy that new car, or I wish I had a job. These are the thoughts that many people have, but they are not thinking logically. It is important to think realistically, and to not wish for something to be true. You can't just wish for something, then expect it to happen. If you want something to happen, you have to work hard and do everything in your power to make it happen.

  • One of the biggest mistakes people do is wishful thinking, you want something true, which is not even true.

Things I do to help you every week through my newsletter: 

Podcast summarizer: I'll summarize important parts of podcast to help you out your own important points to apply in your life and also if you don't get just ask me by replying to the mail, I'll surely answer it. (Tuesday)

Learnings from Social Media: Every time when I scroll instagram, I always send some posts to my own ID so it'll be saved for me personally (I don't save anything in Saved Post section on Instagram, as we all know we never go to thatπŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ). I'll share some of the growth mindset facts which we all should know and follow. (Wednesday)

Data Science from Zero: I'll share everything I learn in the week, as I'm starting it again from zero to help myself so it'll surely help you too.

You can, of course, always write to me by simply replying to this newsletter.

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until next week

Always explore | Learn to live alone!! | Change mindset!



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